sovereign God world

(Anonymous submission) It’s likely that the title of this blog immediately put a tune in your head and caused you to add the words “in His hands” and maybe you even found yourself adding some hand motions. Millions of people have heard and sung “He’s Got the Whole World inContinue Reading


(Submitted anonymously) For those who are skeptical about church, or perhaps feel church is unnecessary, Ephesians reveals the vital purpose of the Church. As we read Ephesians we find that Paul explores the functions and responsibilities of the Church, including its role in the spiritual development of believers and theContinue Reading

pray obedience

Submitted anonymously   How often have you found yourself knowing what you should do but not wanting to do it? I’m not talking about the laundry or the dishes here. I’m sure we can all think of times we’ve sat on the couch avoiding a chore or two. No, I’mContinue Reading

New Year Change

by Pastor Ken Floyd   When a new year approaches, it is typically accompanied by a review and analysis of what transpired in the closing year and the anticipated challenges, opportunities, and outcomes of the approaching year.  It is amazing how the change of one calendar page can produce suchContinue Reading


(anonymous submission) As the Christmas season approaches, many of us are thinking about gifts. Our thoughts might drift to what we can give as gifts and what gifts we might receive from others. Have you paused to think of the greatest gift we have each been given an opportunity toContinue Reading


Submitted by Tim O’Neill I have been blessed with an amazing mother-in-law, Betty, who is now  93 years old. Betty has undoubtedly slowed down over the past twenty years, but at one time, she was a dynamo where neither I nor our kids could keep up with her on aContinue Reading