When Cancer Calls Three Times ~ Seeking God’s Greater Plan and Purpose

Cancer and God's purpose

Submitted by Rochelle Scott

Cancer…it was always in the back of my mind. My mom passed away at age 53, and my sister passed away at age 50, both with cancer. Although breast cancer was not on my radar, as they both had different types of cancer, God had a different plan and purpose for my life that began to be revealed in 2011.

My first breast cancer diagnosis was stage 0, and the doctors recommended 35 radiation treatments and medication for the next five years. The doctors said my cancer was “very treatable” until it returned two years later. My husband (Todd) and I prayed for clarity on the plan and many doctors’ opinions. We decided to do all that could be done to “live.” The treatment involved six months of chemotherapy, a double mastectomy surgery (including four out of five lymph nodes positive for cancer), numerous other surgeries, and 28 radiation sessions. 

Cancer Calls a Third Time

Two years later, in 2015, the cancer returned a third time, and the doctors now said I was “complicated.” More treatments began, and this time was more of an emotional struggle than ever before. There was lament… “How long, Lord?” Will there ever be happiness again, I wondered. God has answered all my prayers and those of my family and friends. His answers were sometimes yes, sometimes his answer was to wait, and some were no.

I continue to have regular scans, and now I am seven years in remission! I thank God for life, and I thank Him for cancer. How would I have ever had so many occasions to carry out God’s plan and purpose were it not for cancer?

God’s Plan and Purpose in My Cancer Journey

I have had opportunities over the years to connect with so many people due to my cancer journey. I have been able to share my faith with doctors and nurses as they cared for me. I have had the compassion to stop someone with hair loss because I knew they were likely going through chemo, and I could encourage them. I have been able to share Christian resources that were a help to me and mail them to others I hear about who have cancer, and I let them know I’m praying for them. God has allowed me to share my testimony with ladies’ groups, youth groups, and this blog post. When walking through a trial, we may not see how God might use it for His glory, but I might never have crossed the paths of so many were it not for my pilgrimage with cancer.

I have known blessings that might never have been realities without cancer, such as seeing my husband truly live out loving his wife as Christ loved the Church. He has cared for me in ways I would never have imagined. I have had the blessing of him praying daily for me to stay in remission. The spiritual growth in our children’s lives, amid their fears, has been a blessing. They experienced God’s love and care for me as they learned to depend on Him. I also experienced how the body of Christ, my dear church family, cares for and supports one another in great need. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the blessing of birthdays and getting older. So many people are concerned when another birthday comes and they add another year to their age, but cancer makes you thankful for every birthday! Each birthday is a gift from God and a time to reflect on how we can glorify Him with the life he has given us. I learned to keep my focus on God’s word: Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV): You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You. 

Everyone has trials that God can use for His glory. My trial has not been any harder than yours. I know many have walked through difficult trials in life. I challenge you to consider your response in the trials when they come. We must choose not to waste the trial, as God purposed it for our good and His glory!

Psalm 90:12 (NKJV): So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Romans 8:28 (NKJV): And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.