“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 (NASB)

AWANA Wednesdays!

AWANA is a weekly club for children age 3 – grade 6 with the goal of reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and training them to serve Him. Club themes build on one another and include Cubbies for preschool-age children, Sparks for Kindergarten – 2nd grade, and T&T for 3rd – 6th grade. Students meet from 6:10 – 8:00pm (doors open at 6:05 ) on Wednesdays during September – May. The program includes game time, small group time to learn/recite verses, and large group time where kids learn lessons from God’s Word.

Get ready to sing along with our praiseworthy playlist!

AWANA Permission Waiver Form



Preschoolers can hardly wait for their next club meeting. Each Wednesday evening children enjoy songs, games, a puppet time with our friend Cubbie Bear and an age appropriate Bible lesson.

Cubbies is a program designed for preschool children beginning two years before Kindergarten. Our goal is to help you teach your child truths from God’s Word. It is our desire that each clubber would learn who God is and that He Loves Them!

Handbook Music (ESV)


Christmas Program Practice

Students will learn:

  • Basic truths about God, Jesus Christ, salvation, and the Bible from 1st-3rd grade
  • To recognize a clear and consistent presentation of the gospel message
  • The importance of Scripture memory as they work through an entrance booklet and three handbooks that feature 91 memory verses, memorize the books of the Bible, crafts, activities and review of key doctrine.

Handbook Music (ESV)


T & T (Truth and Training)

  • Regularly hear and read the gospel message
  • Study dozens of passages from the Old and New Testaments in a cohesive program that links large group lesson time and memorized passages
  • Discover the Bible’s response to questions like, “How does God want me to live my life?” and memorize 310 total verses to back up these answers in four handbooks to earn the Timothy Award
  • Opportunity to participate in the Bible Quiz in February, Winter Retreat to Skyview Ranch, Grand Prix to race pinewood derby cars

AWANA was established as a parachurch organization in 1950. Today programs exist in all 50 states and more than 100 nations worldwide. For more information, visit awana.org.

Handbook Music (ESV)

Bible Quiz