9am Sunday Discipleship Hour


Winter Rotation Beginning December 8th

1. End Times Faith: Room 307B

Life can be hard. Sometimes, even knowing the right thing to do—much less trying to do it—can be a challenge. We’re not sure which path to take or which relationship to nurture. We see the obstacles, but we don’t see a clear path to conquering them. This study of the New Testament letters of 1 & 2 Peter and Jude provide godly wisdom to help the Christian to not only survive, but thrive in this world.

Primary teacher: Timothy Wagner


2. Biblical Foundations for Living (BFL): Room 307A

BFL is a basic discipleship study to assist you in understanding the basics of Christian life. This course extends over three quarters and will help students develop a general grasp of theology, the Bible, and personal spiritual disciplines. This is the second quarter of the study.

Primary teacher: Bruce Wagner


3. Names of God: Activity Center

Learn more about the names of God and how they reflect His attributes. We as Christians often think knowing about God is enough, but the truth is, in order to love God, we must know him in a personal way, immersing ourselves in the study of God and His incredible attributes. This class will help participants learn more about God’s knowledge, holiness, all-pervasive presence, unlimited power, love, and the other qualities that make God who He is.

Primary teacher: Tim Wittmer