Will Our Battles Over Rights Lead to Blessings or Brokenness?


by Pastor Dave Ryan

Whether you are at school, the factory, the office, or even at home, the November election issues have centered on “rights” as an often-raised defense or cause for the crucial decisions that are before us.  Tensions or consequences may threaten our desires, but a determined cry for “my rights” seemingly quiets any debate that might take place.  However, history, current events, and especially God’s Word would call us to consider an important question. Will the prevailing of your desired rights place you and others in a place of true blessing or increasing brokenness?

Galatians 5:1,13,15: “It is for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm (under God’s Word) and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery… you were called to freedom brethren, only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another…If you bite and devour each other, take care that you are not consumed by one another.” 

The Scripture from Galatians 5 should make us pause and consider some very important questions.  God’s Word and the witness of history remind us that “rights,” when used selfishly and unwisely, result in grief and loss to ourselves and others.  Instead of flourishing through sharing God’s good gifts, chaos and destruction ultimately reign through the growing power of “my rights.”

Do I Have a Right? – Four Key Examination Questions

  1. What is the definition of a right?  The Greek word for right in the New Testament is actually the word “authority” or “privilege,” which may sound appealing. Still, we must consider that authority and privilege are granted rather than created or owned by the recipient.  The Declaration of Independence, from the basis of the Bible, states, “All men are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights…” This is a clear demonstration of rights being granted to us.


  1. Who grants a right or privilege? The owner of our privilege or defined freedoms grants us certain rights or privileges, so we have accountability to that higher authority, whether it is a parent, spouse, supervisor, government, or all people under God!  A city water manager may have a lot of responsibility over the city water, but they cannot decide to turn off water on neighbors they don’t agree with or give extra benefits to their friends.  They have the privilege of managing the city’s water supply, but they still have an authority to whom they must be accountable.


Rights or lack of rights rely greatly on the One who made us and sustains life. Even the preamble of the Declaration of Independence was based on a belief about the origin of those rights from God.  If our bodies, health, and strength are from God, then the privileges we have with these are from Him and for His purposes.


  1. Why are rights granted? The purpose of all granted rights is limited in scope. The Authority that grants the privilege has in mind a particular fruitfulness that will come as you use your freedom or rights to multiply good for the whole team, company, or family.  The One who grants freedoms certainly does not plan to have a small group steal away safety or blessing from the greater family.  Galatians 5:13-16 stated negatively could be read as “don’t use your freedom as an opportunity for your own desires, which leads to attacking and harming one another.” The Scripture actually states it in the positive, that we should “through the love of God, use your freedom to serve one another, which will bring about the blessing of God’s law and presence”. Our rights are not for our pleasure first but for the service of another in greater need of our position and privilege to bless them.


  1. Will I have to answer for my use of my rights? The human “courts” will review every choice and action legally and ultimately relationally.  Their long-term impact will have a lasting result on many more than yourself.  Even if an action is legal or not illegal, the fruit of the action will have a bigger impact of blessing or harming the future of other’s lives.  What will the impact of this decision have on others in years and generations to come?  How many restrictions and laws have come due to an abuse of rights by someone before us? There is a court of human impact, but friends, a greater day of Judgment is coming. Humanity will stand before a holy God, and He will judge what we have done with His gifts of life, Creation, and Word. (Galatians 6:6-10)


An Examination of Rights Given Through Jesus Christ and the Gospel

For the sake of brevity, let’s look at Mark 10:35-45.  You should also study Philippians 2:1-11.  The disciples seek to assert their position and privilege as close friends of Jesus.  To the loss of the rest of the group, two of them desire a favored spot next to Jesus.  As the pursuit of an individual’s rights over another always does, tension and frustration grew among these friends of Jesus.  Then Jesus speaks and gives three very clear statements that were counter-cultural and still are!  Paraphrased, Jesus gives us clarity in how we should view our own rights and privilege, as He tells the disciples:

  1. You sound like the common worldly system that promotes itself whenever possible.
  2. God’s system of blessing and privilege is the complete opposite!  The one who uses their privilege to serve and sacrifice for others is the one God lifts up.
  3. My (Jesus’) own mission and priority is not to claim My (His) rights from others but to sacrifice My (Jesus’) own life to purchase forgiveness of sin for all who trust in Me (Jesus).

Those who follow Christ must have a whole new view of their lives, their gifts, and the lives of others.  “Don’t you know your salvation and eternal life were bought by the blood of Jesus Christ? You are not your own to do whatever you like!  Glorify God with the use of your body and your rights!”   (I Corinthians 6:18-20)

Treasured Rights Under God’s Examination

Our popular culture cries out, “I have the right to my body,” and “I have the right to my resources and to use them as is best for me and my fulfillment!” Are these assertions true and beneficial to our souls, children, and communities?

Let’s test these “rights” considering what we have already discussed:

  • Is this a self-given right or a God-provided gift?
  • Who is the Creator of your life and your resources?  Who is the Creator of your children?
  • What is the designed purpose of your body, life, children, and your resources?
  • Will your priorities and actions bring blessing and flourishing to others or brokenness and loss?  Will you stand justified before a Holy God as having lived according to His will? (Read Matthew 7:21-28 and Luke 12:13-21.)


Friends, we have all fallen short of living according to the glory of God and His Life mission He has created us for. (Romans 3:9-23) It is our nature to desire our own way and not to love others or trust God as He commands.  But what an amazing hope there is! Jesus Christ came as a human into this world to exhibit God’s glory and righteousness, and He laid down His divine rights to cleanse you from your sin and make you His child! (Romans 3:24-26) Our lives in this world are full of affliction and dilemmas due to our world’s choices and our own but take heart: Jesus Christ can make you a new creation. (John 3:16-21) Won’t you consider the Creator and Grantor of all we have and choose the actions that can bring blessing instead of brokenness?